

Interview: Kerr-Ritchie Architects, NZ

New Zealand architects Bronwen Kerr and Pete Ritchie work in one of the planet’s most beautiful resort towns and spoke at the recent Australian Institute of Architects ‘Spirit of Place’ regional conference in Cairns.

Free App - timber+DESIGN magazine

Keeping up with the latest designs in wood and emerging international trends can be a time consuming activity - or you can shortcut the process with timber+DESIGN magazine. Now available in free digital formats.

2013 ATDA Winners Announced

The Australian Timber Design Awards are a national annual competition to promote and encourage outstanding timber design in the built environment. Now in their thirteenth year, the Awards are distinguished by a proud heritage of innovation and achievement.

Eco House Article

Will Henley in the UK Guardian looks at an international range of eco houses and wonders whether they will ever be mainstream.

Vote now in the ATDA People's Choice

The Australian Timber Design Awards have been honouring excellence in timber design for fourteen years. Entry is open to architects, builders, designers, engineers, interior designers and landscape architects. Categories cover all major applications, small budget projects, sustainability, a People's Choice Award and a Rising Star Award.

Australian Timber Design Awards - 19 Sept Melbourne

The Australian Timber Design Awards are a national competition to promote and encourage outstanding timber design in the built environment professions. Now in their thirteenth year, the Awards are distinguished by a proud heritage of innovation and achievement.

AIA Spirit of Place Breakfast Presentation: Cairns 7 Sept

The inaugural regional conference, hosted by the Australian Institute of Architects Queensland chapter, will extend the ground covered by the 2012 National Architecture Conference - Experience by focusing upon the unique opportunities commonly available to architects practising regionally, responding to the unique ‘Spirit of Place’. The conference will be the first of a biennial program of Queensland Regional Architecture Conferences, providing considerable opportunities for the Institute’s regional members.

AIA National Seminar Series: NSW Winners

The Fire Safety Solutions Using Timber presentation is part of the AIA National Seminar Series, a selection of high-quality seminars delivered across Australia as part of the Institute's continuing professional development (CPD) program.

WikiHouse - open source plywood designs

With WikiHouse, open source comes to design and construction. In the IT community the open source model has been successful in many areas - for example, the Linux operating system and hundreds of widely used software applications.

Design it - Build it: 3+ day UTAS Studio

How often do you get the opportunity to learn about some of the cutting edge software and hardware in timber fabrication - and then have the chance to design and build a structure actually using it? With the Spring 2013 Digital Fabrication with Timber Studio (DFTS) course you can broaden your skills and professional network as you become informed and inspired to do more with timber technology.

Michael Green's TED video - tall timber

Canadian architect Michael Green has twice visited Australia to speak at WoodSolutions events. Here, in a 12 minute presentation delivered at TED he argues the case for using more wood in our built environment.

AIA NSS4 Timber Fire Engineering Seminars

The Australian Institute of Architects' National Seminar Series is an opportunity for people in cities and major regional centres - and now online too - to maintain the currency of their information on popular topics. 2 formal Refuel CPD points are available to attendees.

German timber pre-fab schools and facades

In Australia and internationally, the idea of moving construction processes from the unpredictabilities of a building site to a factory floor is gaining traction. German architect Arthur Schankula has developed two innovative solutions.

Innovative glulam CLT 25m roof spans

Occasionally WoodSolutions discovers articles in other places that we think are relevant and interesting to you - our visitors. If possible, we'll give you some information about it and a link to find out more. If you know of something you think we should feature - that aligns with our primary role of promoting the use of responsibly sourced wood in design and construction - please contact us through the link at the base of this page.

New: Alternative Solutions Fire Compliance Guides

WoodSolutions Technical Design Guides are written by specialists to provide architects, building designers and engineers with detailed information to enable them to accurately design and specify the use of wood and wood products to the National Construction Code (NCC).

Designing with timber - an architects perspective

Architects - or building designers - and engineers are often the two drivers of material specification in small residential building projects (material specifications in large multiresidential and commercial projects are usually more complex). Here, Nicolas Pratt presents an architect's perspective.

Wood: art design architecture - Vote & WIN an iPad

WOOD: art design architecture, the exhibition has been co-curated by Brian Parkes and Elliat Rich, supported by the Commonwealth Government's Contemporary Touring Initiative and is principally sponsored by Wood. Naturally Better.™

Enrolments open - online Grad Certificate in Timber

Differentiate yourself with an expanded design offering to potential clients, give your career a boost or simply broaden your knowledge about using our only large scale renewable building material. It's as easy in enrolling in the course below...

Vote for the People's Choice - BDAV Awards

The Building Designers Association of Victoria is an industry body which acts for building design professionals. It is managed by a committee of volunteers from amongst the membership, whose objective is to advance the profession of building design, by offering cost-effective, quality, membership services and benefits. The Association has more than 1,900 members (at March 2013).

FREE Timber Tower Research Project

Here's a research report that outlines the design of a 42 storey timber tower, using a system described as the “Concrete Jointed Timber Frame. This free download 72 page document is recommended reading for anyone interested in more sustainable tall structures.

designEX & National Architecture Conference

WoodSolutions will be at designEX in Melbourne - the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre - from Thursday May 30th to Saturday June 1st. WoodSolutions is also a sponsor of the co-located 2013 Australian Institute of Architects National Conference.

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