CLT design wins in NZ

Innovation in CLT for a challenging site

From the press release:

S3 Architects director Stephen Smith says his practice’s design for the proposed six-storey apartment building, which incorporates 25 residential units and ground floor commercial tenancies, uses a cross-laminated timber structural system.

“This construction method allows for precise off-site prefabrication and efficient on-site assembly, which brings time and cost savings,” Smith says. “New Zealand can be a world leader with this timber technology.

“I also wanted to demonstrate that with a bit more effort in design and construction, we can significantly reduce the energy use in our buildings.”

S3 Architects will work with developer Ockham Residential to develop the competition-winning design into a completed building.

Visit S3 Architects' website here.

Visit Ockham Residential's website here.

Read the full press release in Scoop Media here.

Wood products

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Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)

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