Media Reviews

Out of the Woods: Architecture and Interiors Built from Wood

Out of the Woods is a classic coffee table format book that features impeccably printed large format colour photographs and small paragraphs of text about modern timber buildings. The book is published by Gestalten, who are no strangers to the format, and the visual quality is absolutely as good as you would expect- down to the paper stock.

Wooden Homes

A small book in size though not in length, Wooden Homes is a simple yet charming celebration of houses, structures and furniture built from timber. With minimal text and a focus on images, the book does not immediately grab the reader, with little of the close examination that is seen in most architecture books.

Wood: Architecture and Design

Wood: Architecture and Design favours quantity over depth, giving a brief overview of 58 structures from around the world that use wood as an integral design element.

Wood at Home

Wood at Home from Beta-Plus is a book centred around the visual, showing open houses from in and around Belgium that showcase the many ways in which timber can add atmosphere to a house.

Touch Wood

Coming from the highly proficient publisher of Braun in 2008, Touch Wood examines a wide spectrum of the contemporary architectural industry.

Timber Building in Britain

Although this book does not deal with contemporary architecture or design in wood, Timber Building in Britain is both engaging and interesting. R.W. Brunskill has endeavoured to explain how timber was used in Britain from the twelfth to the nineteenth century, covering aspects from timber choice and cultivation to carpentry.

The Terrace House

Cities in Australia are very familiar with the terrace houses that define some of their most picturesque suburbs.

The New Wood Architecture

Coming from just before the turn of the 21st century, The New Wood Architecture documents what is very much the beginning of the modern era in timber construction.

The Forever House

The Forever House is divided into sections based on the decade in which the houses were built, running from the 1950s to the 1980s.

Superhouse; Architecture and interiors beyond the everyday

The problem with many books on architecture is that to get a sense of a house, you need to move around in it - enter the front door, move through the space, maybe even live there for years - before you can say that you have experienced it. Architecture is a three-dimensional art form that is difficult to capture on a two-dimensional page.

Small Houses

Small Houses, collated and written by Claudia Hildner, provides a unique insight into single family residences in Japan.

Scandinavian Modern Houses 4: The spirit of Nordic light.

Scandinavian Modern Houses 4: The spirit of Nordic light is a stunningly beautiful book. Author Vibe Udsen has collated a gorgeous collection of some of Scandinavia’s best houses in this, the fourth instalment of the series, and there is certainly no sign of slipping standards.

Reciprocal Frame Architecture

Reciprocal Frame Architecture examines a specific architectural feature in detail, looking at examples of the form from Japan, England and America. The author Larsen includes great detail of the structural possibilities of the form while not hesitating to point out its limitations.

New Wood Architecture in Scandinavia

A book from the German publisher Birkhäuser, New Wood Architecture in Scandinavia provides a comprehensive overview of the use of timber in construction throughout the five Scandinavian countries.

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