Australian Institute of Architects - National Architecture Conference

Start/End Date
28 - 30 Apr 2016
Convention Centre - Adelaide
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2016 National Architecture Conference- How Soon is Now?

28-30 April, Adelaide

The ceaseless appetite for the new means that architecture is constantly projecting, speculating and theorising. Instead of always looking into the future or back into the past, projects are already demonstrating the new ways in which architecture operates in the world. 

The future is right now!

The challenge for architecture is to not retreat into itself and be ostracised from the extraordinary moment in history in which it finds itself. But rather to recognise its place in contemporary practice, and to stake a claim for its agency within that system.

We want to explore the agency of architecture to make real changes in the world, empowering architects to participate in the massive transformations that are occurring to cities, to global as well as local societies and to the sustainability of our planet.

How Soon is Now continues the shift of conversation from a self-reflective and internal one to an open, collaborative and discursive one. The focus is on exemplary buildings and the experiences and knowledge of the people that fund, conceive, create and inhabit them.

Speakers include, Julie Eizenberg (USA), Sadie Morgan (UK), Nasrine Seraji (France), Thomas Fisher (USA) and Amica Dall (UK).

For full program click here

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