Australian Institute of Building Surveyors - 2016 SA Chapter Conference

Start/End Date
17 - 18 Mar 2016
Adelaide Oval

This conference will focus on the recent concerns about the effectiveness of Australia’s approach to ensuring the quality and safety of building and construction products.
Inquiries in the past year have placed a spotlight on the design and effectiveness of the conformance framework which building surveyors work in. Customers rely on us at the end of the legislative framework to see that the specified products for their job are fit for purpose.
Increasing competition from overseas products has seen some products failing to conform to Australian Standards and regulatory requirements, and as building surveyors we have a direct role in ensuring that the quality and compliance of the building products selected are fit for purpose. As such, Building surveyors acting as the authority for enforcement has major implications to how this compliance framework works.
This conference will provide an overview to the current state of affairs and thinking in regard to recommendations coming out of the inquiries, the industry, regulatory and customer bodies directly affect by non-conforming building products (NCP) in the marketplace.


The conference program features an array of speaks covering a number of topics under the theme of The quality and safety of building and construction products – Its impact and implications to building surveyors. More speakers to be announced closer to date.

Dr Jonathan Barnett
Dr Jonathan Barnett is an internationally acclaimed technical expert in fire barnettengineering with over 38 years’ experience. As a former Professor in fire safety engineering and mechanical engineering and currently as a chartered professional engineer he has conducted fire safety research and designed numerous commercial, residential and special purpose buildings.
Jonathan is an experienced expert witness who has investigated and testified about building defects and fires worldwide. He will be presenting on “Working together when things go wrong: owners, builders, building surveyors, regulators and engineers”

Guy Newman
Guy Newman is an engaging speaker who will be presenting on Friday 18 March on “A Winning Mindset”. Guy has been a trainer and speaker for 30 years, and is well known as being engaging, entertaining, funny and inspirational.

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