WoodSolutions Proudly Sponsors - 2022 Building Design Awards presented by Design Matters National

WoodSolutions is proud to sponsor the 2022 Building Design Awards. This competition enables our members to gain recognition from the public, industry, and their fellow design community across Australia and internationally.  

The Design Matters National Awards program has now outgrown a single event that commenced in 1996.  This year, the new two-tiered program will open with individual State Awards. State Building Design of the Year winners will automatically qualify to compete in the National Design Awards to become Australia’s Building Designer of the Year to be celebrated on 15 September 2022.


 Entering the Awards acts as a third-party endorsement for your business and a sign of professional quality for your clients. It’s a great way of differentiating your company from your competitors. 
Entering the Awards is an inexpensive way of getting national PR and marketing in every state and territory of Australia.
The Awards provide a platform for sharing your story.
The Awards enable you to benchmark your work against your competitors. 
It’s not just the winning that counts! The Awards put all building designers on the map, and let the world know who Australia’s best building designers are. They also recognise the hard work and achievements of your employees, so winning can help boost your staff morale.

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