WoodSolutions Proudly Sponsors - 2023 Design Matters National Building Design Awards (East Coast)

Start/End Date
27 Oct 2023 6:00pm
Melbourne, VIC
WoodSolutions proudly sponsors the design matters national 2023 building design awards on 27th of October 2023.


East Coast Event

Date: October 27, 2023  

Time: The magic starts at 6pm. 


📍 Venue: Q events, 123 Queen st, Melbourne 3000 – where urban chic meets timeless elegance. 


Dress Code: Cocktail hour just got stylish! Adorn yourself in your most stunning evening cocktail attire. Think classy, sophisticated, with a sprinkle of your unique flair. 


An Evening to Remember: 

Cheers to Choices: From the finest wines to bubbly champagnes, your glass will always be half full. 

A Culinary Delight: Indulge in delectable dishes that dance on your palate, each curated for the design enthusiast in you. 

Electrifying Entertainment: As we honour design, let your hair down with performances and music that'll have you tapping your feet. 


This isn't just an awards night; it's an experience! From breathtaking designs to mouthwatering delights, every moment is crafted to perfection. 


Get in the spirit and share your anticipation using #DMNAwards23 and #CelebratingDesignGreatness. 


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