WoodSolutions Proudly Sponsors - 2023 Design Matters National Building Design Awards (West Coast)

Start/End Date
20 Oct 2023 6:00pm
Perth, WA
WoodSolutions proudly sponsors the Design Matters National 2023 Building Design Awards on the 20th of October 2023

West Coast Event

When? October 20, 2023 

Time? Magic starts at 6pm. 


📍 Where? The Quarry Ampitheatre, City Beach, Perth 

A bit about The Quarry: A venue etched by time; this natural amphitheatre is where raw beauty meets refined elegance. The history-rich, rugged walls of the Quarry will resonate with the applause for today's design maestros. 


Dress to Impress: Love an excuse to dress up? Here’s your chance to don your finest evening cocktail attire. Think chic, elegant, with a dash of your unique flair. 


Just imagine: a twilight sky, grand amphitheatre, a room full of design marvels, and you – at the heart of it all, dressed to the nines.  

Reasons to RSVP Today: 


A sophisticated evening where the Quarry's allure accentuates our entrants’ wonderful creations. 

Rub shoulders with design world luminaries, the avant-garde, and the innovators. 

Revel in the celebration of West Coast's design marvels against a natural Aussie masterpiece. 

Be delighted with an array of good food, flowing beverages and endless entertainment. 


This isn't just an awards night; it's an experience! From breathtaking designs to mouthwatering delights, every moment is crafted to perfection. 


Don't forget to document your evening and the event's highlights using #DMNAwards23 and #CelebratingDesignGreatness. 

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