WoodSolutions Proudly Sponsors - AIBS NSW/ACT Chapter Conference 2022

Start/End Date
07 - 08 Nov 2022
Third Party Cost $620-$1385
Contact email

The NSW/ACT Chapter Conference will be held on Monday 7 & Tuesday 8 November at the International Convention Centre, Sydney. In conjunction with the conference, a Sundowner will be held on Monday 7 in the Cockle Bay Foyer of the ICC.

This premium event covers an array of topics that are relevant to the NSW/ACT Chapter. These topics are selected to maintain high quality content delivered to building surveyors and allied professionals in ensuring they are kept up-to-date with current issues, what's happening and what's to come in the industry. This conference will allow delegates to not only learn valuable skills that they can put to use in their profession but it also offers unparalleled networking opportunities with delegates, speakers and exhibitors. 

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