WoodSolutions Proudly Sponsors | ETIA Timber Design Workshop

Start/End Date
28 - 29 Sep 2022
Third Party Cost: $1,460 AUD

Module One


16 hours of CPD

This workshop addresses the engineering behind basic timber design as well as the requirements of AS1720 – Timber Structures. Wood science, wood exposure and durability, insect attack, moisture and shrinkage of wood will be addressed. The limit state design and analysis process for the various modes of failure (eg bending, tension, compression, shear) are explained in relation to dealing with timber. The workshop addresses in detail the design of connections. Limit state flow charts are used for the design process for both strength limit state, and serviceability states. Various timber products including sawn timber, softwood and hardwood sections, LVL, GLULAM and CLT are addressed. Engineered products and their low variability including advantages, disadvantages and recommended uses are explained. Examples where good design ideas coming horribly unstuck due to a lack of basic understanding of timber are shown. All sessions provide worked examples, tutorial exercises and solutions.

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