WoodSolutions Proudly Sponsors | ETIA Timber Design Workshop

Start/End Date
26 - 27 Oct 2022
Third Party Cost: $1,490 AUD

Module Two


16 hours of CPD

Learn about the latest advances of timber design and engineering in multi-storey buildings and commercial constructions. The ETIA Timber Design Workshop: Module Two is targeted to design professionals interested in furthering their skills and confidence to design with timber materials in large scale buildings. The workshop presents Australian and international design practice for mid-rise buildings and long-span structures (floors and portal frames). It vulgarises timber-based products and structures and their structural behaviours, and details the design of connections by the European Yield Model to facilitate the selection of timber materials and construction solutions, and produce cost-effective, durable, sustainable and aesthetically pleasing structures.

The workshop well balances presentations, examples and tutorials with solutions.

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